So sad that it takes an international health crisis to make time in my schedule to actually write something new lol. Needless to say, amidst all the chaos and uncertainty, I’m feeling the blessings. A week ago, when I got the official email stating that the US was now in a State of Emergency and that the KIDS WOULD BE HOME FOR THE NEXT MONTH, my first instinct was to panic. Do we have enough food? I’d better stop spending money!! What in the HELL am I going to do with these kids in the house for 3 entire weeks?! So wait, y’all want me to work my full-time job from home (which at first sounded like a pretty sweet deal with the kids at school all day) AND monitor this homeschooling situation AND figure out something enriching to do with this 2 year old… AND keep everyone safe and well and engaged, and off each other’s nerves, and off MY nerves??? I don’t know about you, but that sounds a little STRESSFUL TO ALL ADULTS INVOLVED to me 🤯 Lol. But really, significant and immediate changes to pretty much everything about your normal everyday routine can be extremely scary. Especially if you rely on your schedule to maintain some sense of normalcy and control in your already crazy, chaotic, up-in-the-air life…. Anyone else? Oh, just me? Lol. I’m sure.
But I once watched an interview with a man who lived by the idea that "if you change your mindset, you change your life”.

As a result, I realize this is actually my dream come true…. Kind of…. minus the whole deadly virus part 😕. I get to wake up at whatever time I deem appropriate. Make time for myself. Pray, meditate, be still for a moment while the house is still quiet. Then I can wake my daughter and begin teaching her things about being a woman and a human being before we begin the day. (ALL ON MY OWN TIME). I get to make breakfast with her then wake the baby and the daddy and get them fed too. OR I get to lie in bed and let the family take care of me! I get to laugh with them over meals, teach them at their own pace, control the content that they receive every day. I get to include as much Black History, Women’s History, Spirituality, Williams Family Tradition (which I guess we’re making up right now), Disney movies, mandatory snuggles and nap times into every day as I want. I can ask critical thinking questions about my middle schooler’s understanding of her chakras and her body (while continuing to figure out my own). I can roll on the floor with my toddler and pretend to take an adventure. I can tell them BOTH it’s quiet time and work on my Blog, or the family budget, or have a cocktail, or work on choreography, or dream new dreams, or have new thoughts. Journal, pray, heal, talk, laugh, grow, sleep, teach, eat, play… All on my own time and the time that works best for my family.
So in light of all that is going down right now, I choose to take control of all that is under my control and to see the beauty and perfection in all that isn’t. This crisis reminds me to love my people fiercely, wash my hands often, and be present in every moment I'm able. These are priceless moments with my family all in one place (a very rare occurrence in the Williams Residence). I’m grateful for the time. I’m grateful that we are safe. And I’m grateful for the blank slate on which I am able to paint a beautiful picture of exactly what I want my day, my family, our lives to look like.
With that, I will say this:
Enjoy this time cooped up with your loved ones. Create something beautiful with it and make the best of what you have. Even if every second of the day isn’t packed with fun and activity, or even productivity, I plan to just enjoy BEING with the ones I love. And really taking time to do the things that I love. What better gift is there than the gift of time.
Also, now is a great time to share the gifts that we have with one another. I’ll be

posting simple jazz and ballet warm ups on my social media in order to keep my students (and myself) moving. I may post something more difficult for my more advanced students and peers. Feel free to try them out and, as always, let me know what you think! I’m hoping to blog more in light of all the in-the-house time I have on my hands now, but I’m realizing how quickly the day fills up with two little ones running wild. We shall see!!
Follow me on Insta (@fameace) to join in! And check my page for a list of classes as the weeks progress and we get into a rhythm.
You can ALSO follow @motorcitydancefactory for some great virtual kids classes!! Take advantage while it's FREEEEE!!!!!!
Keep dancing, friends!